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We enroll students who are two and a half years old into our Junior STEM program.


When your child is enrolled in our programs, learning for them is seamless and is led by the child's sense of wonder, curiosity and innate ability to construct meaning through play and exploration. We are a guide, creating opportunities for child directed discovery.


​Our goals when planning STEAM activities for younger children, are to create a safe environment for children to explore using their senses and to create natural learning experiences, that lead to discovery and inquiry. The activities in this program and provocations, are developed to fan that natural curiosity in your toddlers.


Our Junior and Preschool programs operate from 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM

After care is available until 3:30PM


Gates are opened at 7:20AM 





In our Junior STEM program, the children are discovering the concepts of language and literacy development, social and emotional development, physical development and wellness, cognitive development and creative expression.


Children are encouraged to use their 5 senses to describe what they see and observe during the day. We ask questions to build critical thinking skills, such as;

  • How does it feel?

  • What does it look like?

  • What does it smell like?

  • What do you hear?

  • How does it taste?




At the Junior Preschool age, we cultivate a love for STEM by encouraging children to be curious and ask questions.




​Language Development 

  • Participate in conversation with teachers and friends

  • Follow one step direction

  • Develop an appreciation of books through stories and read aloud

  • Use writing tools and makes purposeful scribbles on paper



  • Use "number talk" such as less/ more/ over, under/ inside, outside and more. 

  • Counting in sequence

  • Talking about "now, then and last"

  • Playing sorting and matching games


Potty Training is Included

  • Your child will begin the process soon. Teaching any child to move from freely voiding in a diaper or pull-up to using a toilet maybe a difficult process. We are here to assist.



  • Talking about their feelings and their creations

  • Encouraging sharing between friends

  • Compassion and empathy


Art love

  • Exploring sensory materials such as the squishy clay sponges jello even hard and soft.  

  • Pretend play 

  • Using scarves they dance and move 

How to apply for our STEM Junior Program

Thank you for your interest in our junior program. We are pleased to provide you with an application form for considered acceptance into our STEM programs. It is wonderful to note that you are thinking about becoming part of our STEM school. 


Application forms can be downloaded and submitted directly to Admissions via email or to the school address below.

#37 O'Connor Street Woodbrook

Trinidad West Indies



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